Our services to hotel owners

Alternative Management Solutions Exclusive Hotel Operator of Aqua Vista Hotels


Our goal is to make unique Hotels in exceptional locations. In today’s world, every Hotel needs a concept and must serve a purpose. Every property must be designed and themed carefully in order to appeal in defined segments willing to pay for it.

We do just that:

  • • Think, compare, analyze and think again.
  • • Create the concept (theme).
  • • Define the purpose and audience.
  • • Undertake the full interior and exterior design, if requested.
  • • Plan the opening strategy and take on the full management and administration during the pre-opening period.
  • • Open it and Operate it!
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Well, not an easy task in today’s global and highly competitive world. It is our business to market Hotels and sell room nights. Our rationale is simple and the success of our Hotels shows that we are on the right path:

  • • We brand the property.
  • • We take care of the property’s market identity.
  • • We choose all appropriate means of advertising and promotion.
  • • We use Yield Management to sell the right type of room, in the right rate at the right time.
  • • We take advantage of all available booking channels.
  • • We make sure that rate parity is constantly applied in all booking channels.
  • • We are very experienced when we come to deal with Tour Operators and Travel Agents.
  • • We market and promote experiences and feelings. We do not just sell rooms, suites, food and beverage. What we offer is smiles, happiness, courtesy, romance, well being, taste, satisfaction and quality time away from the sometimes harsh reality of life.
  • • We tell the whole truth about the property. We present every Hotel as it really is and looks, emphasizing its unique selling points. Every single guest knows in advance what to expect from any A.M.S. operated Hotel in any location.
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The hospitality industry depends heavily on people, whether we like it or not…It is the nature of the business... and people are different. They have different qualities, skills, dexterities, background, speak different languages and have different visions about their life and career.

So how do we do it?

  • • We specify the positions.
  • • We set out every position’s requirements, tasks and duties.
  • • We make up the profile of the ideal person for each job (education, experience, skills, etc.).
  • • We interview and hire people.
  • • We train people. We instill them the values of our company.
  • • We build a team.
  • • We manage by example.
  • • We motivate people to ensure that they are happy and proud in what they do.
  • • We constantly monitor their performance.

Sometimes, we encounter people not qualified and experienced enough for the job, but with that sparkle of willingness and enthusiasm in their eyes. In such cases, we hire them and train them in order to bring out the best of their ability and talent.

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A Hotel often seems like a big house occupied by a multimember family: Almost everything can happen.

Just read:

  • • A reservation is cancelled and the manager has to take a decision regarding the cancelation fees while the Travel Agent is on the other line demanding a 50% reduction in the CXL fees charged for his client.
  • • A guest departed but forgot his camera and he needs it back (and does not care how).
  • • The waiter serves a wrong dish at the table. He was not sure if he/she heard correctly but he/she was not bothered to politely ask the guest to repeat the order.
  • • Another guest woke up late and wants to eat breakfast but breakfast is not served after 12:00.
  • • The evening maid forgot to place a "good night gift" on the pillow and the guests placed a negative comment in Trip Advisor.
  • • The plane will finally not arrive due to weather conditions. Room No 6 will arrive tomorrow (but tomorrow the Hotel is fully booked).

... and the list goes on!

The Hotel business needs skilled staff and talented managers, who can think on their feet, take quick and effective decisions, be pro-active and why not, sometimes improvise, in order to solve a matter which is about to turn into a problem. First and foremost however it needs: procedures! Without them, a Hotel can be easily described as a place where everything goes wrong.

This is what we do:

  • • We prepare the operating procedures for every department of the Hotel. Therefore, the operating context of each Hotel is clear and understood by the staff and managers.
  • • We train the staff to respect and follow these procedures.
  • • We develop managers who:
  • - Can take decisions and assume responsibility based on the operating procedures.
  • - Can handle complaints efficiently.
  • - Exercise their own judgment where necessary.
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"Is guest a King, or should the guest be treated like a King?"

Well, we are not sure about either of the above.

We like to think it differently:

  • • The guest should receive what he has been promised.
  • • The guest should feel happy and relaxed at all times.
  • • The guest must leave the Hotel with the undisputable feeling that what he experienced worth the money he paid.

This is the only path to success. We set up all the standards related to:

  • • The quality of service.
  • • The appearance of the staff.
  • • The behavior and attitude of staff towards the guests.
  • • But more importantly: Everything is implemented by happy, smiley and proud people.
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...and in the end:


The technicalities are unavoidable in every business, and after all, a Hotel is a serious business and we are Hotel operators:

What we give to the Owner

1. Full day to day management (operation) of the Hotel

2. Staff recruitment, training, salary & benefits planning

3. Operating Procedures and Quality Standards

4. Sales & Marketing strategy and implementation:

  • • Reservations
  • • IDS/GDS management
  • • Management of the hotel’s booking platform
  • • Contracting with all on line booking channels, Tour Operators and Travel Agents
  • • Advertising & Promotion
  • • Branding & Corporate Identity
  • • Yield Management

5. Financial planning and control:

  • • Budgeting and Forecasting of Income, Payroll and Operating Expenses.
  • • Monthly results of Income, Payroll and Operating Expenses using customized Hotel Software.
  • • Purchasing of raw materials, consumables, etc.
  • • Accounts Payable administration (Creditors - Suppliers payments).
  • • Accounts receivable administration (Clients – Debtors revenue collection).
  • • Payroll planning and administration (in co-operation with the owner’s accountant).
  • • Operating Equipment requirements and purchasing.

6. Building & Equipment Maintenance:

  • • Hotel Maintenance planning and implementation.
  • • Capital expenses budget for the next year.
  • • Renovation or refurbishment planning and supervision.

What we need from the Owner

We need to develop a business relationship based on mutual trust. Our experience shows that there is no management without decision-making and responsibility. This simply means that we should have the authority to take all the decisions related to the operation, management and administration of the Hotel:

  • • Day to Day hotel operation
  • • Personnel management
  • • Marketing & Sales
  • • Financial Planning & Control
  • • Cash Inflow administration (receipts)
  • • Cash Outflow administration (payments) up to the point where every scheduled financial obligation pertinent to the operation of the Hotel (suppliers, associates and other third parties, contractors, salaries & wages, employees' social insurance, etc) is timely paid.

We are ready to undertake the full responsibility for the property and the owner should be ready to just let it go.

Our Responsibility

A.M.S. only assumes responsibility for the operating aspects of the Hotel and not the corporate financial issues of the owner (eg. central offices costs, tax and legal advisors, property insurance, interest payments, principal re-payments, etc.).

Our Fees

In all cases, our fees are directly related to the financial performance of the Hotel. Our objective is to create a successful business co-operation between A.M.S. and the owner.

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